About Us

BoatingNarrative is your one stop source for everything boating. From the latest boating news and boating reviews, to boating tips and tricks and boating stories and news, BoatingNarrative covers it all.

We have a passion for boating and love sharing it with everyone around us. Our goal is to inform, educate, and entertain. We hope to make boating easier for you. We have a blog that will help you with buying a boat, choosing the right one, and sailing tips. We also have a podcast and a magazine that goes along with our blog.

We want to help you find the perfect boat. A boat that you can sail, ride, and cruise through life with. That’s what we’re here for.

About Me

Hello, I am Jon Stockwell. I like to kayak around the lake. I like to play video games on my PS5. I like to eat pizza. I like to watch movies. And I like to write.

I have been into boating since the 2000’s, I’ve owned and sailed dozens of boats and still own/sail one of them, a 24′ Ocean Hunter. I’m currently living in the great city of San Francisco, California.

So come along and see what I’ve got to say. It may be interesting, it may be informative, it may be entertaining. But most of all, I hope it’s informative and interesting.

Author's image named Jon Stockwell

Our Goal

Our goal is to deliver the most valuable content possible to our readers. We are looking to expand this site to provide additional information about our readers and their activities, so please share your experiences with us.

We are going to update this site frequently and I’ll try to keep it easy to read. I hope you enjoy my blog and check back from time to time.

Our Passion

We have a passion for boating and love sharing it with everyone around us.We would like to inform, educate, and entertain. We hope to make boating easier for you. We have a blog that will help you with buying a boat, choosing the right one, and sailing tips. We also have a podcast and a magazine that goes along with our blog.

We want to help you find the perfect boat. A boat that you can sail, ride, and cruise through life with. That’s what we’re here for.

If you’ve got questions on boating, sailing, kayaking, pontooning, tips, tricks or reviews we’ve got the answer. Whether you’re buying your first boat, looking for the perfect new kayak, or seeking advice on the best kayaks to buy, this is the best source for answers!

You can contact us here.

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